Thursday, October 8, 2009

Community Managers

Got a web site? Got a community manager?

I must admit, the role of a community manager is one that I have only recently become aware of, and for large sites, trying to foster and develop a community it makes sense. I wonder if it makes sense for smaller sites?

A community manager in basic terms builds and nurtures the web sites community. They need to (I think) -

- Be well connected, and know who to connect with online
- Allow the community to act freely, to a point (maybe a very grey point)
- Put a human face to the company they are representing on the web
- Be an advocate for the community within the company

It sounds like a quite difficult job, you may need to support and protect the online community while they are beating up the company who's web site they are sitting on, or, via twitter etc.

This role to me sounds like the next logical step after listening to your customers online. Once you have started to listen and have been acting on what they say, a way of interacting and workign with them seems like a good idea!