Monday, September 13, 2010

The little red light

Anyone else got a blackberry or similar phone with a little flashing LED when the phone wants attention? You know the one, the little light blinks on and off when you have a new Email, or SMS, or IM, or something. Do you find yourself looking at the phone, waiting for the light to come on, and jumping on the phone when you see that little light blinking on and off?

I am starting to feel like I have been trained like a puppy, looking for the light and jumping on the phone to check what message may be waiting for me, its time to change!

Looking for the light is not helping anyone, and responding quickly is doing nothing but generating another Email in return, I am not actually achieving anything productive in this behavior.

So its time to get smart, time to turn the little red light off! Lets see what happens without being a slave to the little red light for a while, I figure not a lot, the world will keep turning, I will check Email as and when I need to, and everything will be fine :)